Hey Gemma, I've been looking for read alike yours and I'm not pleased you are going through it but I'm pleased I found you. Amongst all the current Substack writers teaching others to write, it's tough to find the gems inbetween. Thanks for sharing.

I guess the woman I want to be isn't the unstable mess she is now. I recently separated and as a single mum, am struggling with finances and keeping my shit together. I want to be fiercely independent. Running my own show writing and creating. Showing my daughter we can do it and we can do it without the support of a man.

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Thank you Michelle, that means a lot 🤍 Sending love and strength to you, I'm sure you're setting an amazing example for your daughter (also I still feel unstable on the regular 🤣) We've got this.

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So heartbreaking 💔 I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You’re an inspiration!

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Thank you Lauren 💕

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My story is different, yet, I understand this sentiment. And you're completely right. We have so much power over ourselves and the future we desire... if we are only brave enough to fight for it.

I hope life is kinder to you these days.

Thank you for sharing ✨️

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Thank you so much for reading Valerie 🤍

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This was an engaging read with great sadness and hope side by side. Great writing style and hope things improve but as you say it's your choices to make. Hope it's ok to comment as a bloke, as you reference women mainly in the post but I don't think your story is that specific - I certainly found it inspiring.

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I appreciate that, thank you! And yes, I think I just get used to mainly referencing women because I've been coaching women for the last couple of years but you're right, I hope the messages can be universal! Thank you for the comment 😊

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Oh Gemma, my eyes literally welled up for you while reading this. You are so bright and enjoyable to listen to and knowing that you went through this incredible grief, makes me love you even more.

"And to know that whatever pain life throws at me, I get to decide how I face it. I get to decide what it means for me moving forward."

This is how I felt after Lily died. I was determined not to be brought down by my grief. And like you mentioned, it does not eradicate or erase the heartache, but we can still choose to be the Women we want to be.

I think you have it in you to write a book. If I can, you can.

So much love to you dear ♥️

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Oh Taylor, I appreciate you 🤍 I'm thankful for many things this year but the GOFC maybe the most, I don't there's a group of more incredible, supportive women anywhere. Sending love right back to you and I shall be counting the days until I can get my hands on your book!

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I love your story 💔 you are so strong and I can’t wait to read more! (Pls tell me you are writing a book!)

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Thank you Lauren 💕 I'm not sure I'm up to the task of writing a book but never say never, lol! If there's one thing I've learned it's that we never know what the future holds!

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Wow. Wow. Wow. Thank you for the intimacy shared through your story, and for the words of encouragement pouring through your words. "To know that every choice, every action that we take, right now, is shaping us into the woman we’ll become."

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Thank you Casey, I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🤍

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Girl - you're writing a memoir, right?!

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😂 I'm not sure I have it in me, but never say never right?!

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Oh if you want to, you definitely can! Memoirs can be hard to get published but you have a unique story. One of the best tips I’ve heard is write a first draft with the expectation no one will see it.

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I guess it's easier when you've written a collection of blog posts or newsletters too, since you've basically laid out the groundwork! Definitely something to think about, thank you!

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I needed to read this post today. Thank you, Gemma!

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Ah I'm so glad it helped, thank you! 💕

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So gorgeous, heartbreaking, and inspiring, Gemma. I loved it, and read it thinking about the fact that I am leaving in just a couple hours for my photography art show reception, because I don't want to look back on my life later and wish that I had pushed myself to reach for my dreams and believed in myself more, even when it was hard and scary.

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I love that, thank you Amy. You're so right, I think it's in the times when it feels the hardest that it's the most important to push ourselves, I know those are the times when I've made the biggest breakthroughs...I hope your show went well!

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Thank you, it did!

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